Saturday, December 26, 2009

Queenstown "Adventure Capital of the World"

If you have the “need for speed” or the desire to throw your body off things, then Queenstown, New Zealand is the place for you. Queenstown has pretty much cemented its place as the “Adventure Capital of the World” because both bungy jumping and river jet boating were invented here. We decided to conclude our time in New Zealand in this lake side town because of its natural beauty, and it seemed like a good spot to spend a whole week over Christmas and Mat’s 15th birthday. It is now they day before we leave, and we have loved every minute of it. We have done a little of everything – high speed adventures, good hikes, fun shopping in town, and great family time for Mat’s birthday and Christmas.

The first full day here was Mat’s birthday, so he chose to start off with river jet boating with Shotover Jet Boats – the originator. I have put my jet boat through some crazy runs, but nothing comes close to this. Flying both up and downriver at about 60 mph, in about 4 inches of water, and coming literally inches away from the canyon walls and dry river bottom. Had us all on the edge of our seats, but loved it. Check out pics on “Planes, Trains”. Charlie’s choice of death defying fun was the white water body boarding. This is another sport that would never be allowed in the U.S. They give you a wetsuit, and a helmet; strap a body board to you and throw you in a Class III river – See you at the bottom. Actually they are very professional and did a great job of making sure we had fun and keeping us from getting sucked into the many whirlpools we went by. Charlie was a hit with the guides because nothing scared him, and he happily threw himself off of the highest jump rock they showed us. I have never been in this kind of whitewater, and I definitely have a new respect for this type of water sport. Check out pics on “Where are the Reeve boys”.

My “me” time came in the form of a couple of great hikes. The best one was right behind our place and went to the top of Queenstown Hill, about a thousand foot climb. Great trail through the woods, incredible views of town and surrounding valley, and some thought inspiring artwork at the top. Check out pics on “Friends along the way”. Sally’s favorite time was spent strolling through the beautiful town with a multitude of shops and restaurants, as well as, having a date night where we could enjoy our dinner without refereeing a brotherly fight. This place was busier then anywhere else we have been, but not too busy. Never a time where you wanted to strangle the person in front of you. This is a very civil country with great manners, and it rubs off on people. Christmas was different this year because we have never been away from home, and New Zealand does not overwhelm you with the Christmas hype, like the U.S. does. There are very few outside decorations and not the mind-numbing feeling of “buy, buy, buy”. Santa was able to find our foreign address and was even able to surprise the boys with a few things. We miss not being home with all of you, but have really enjoyed just having time together as a family. Sometimes the simple things make the difference, and we realize how being together is more important than our normal day to day lives take into account.

“What Sally? Yes, Dear I’ll be right there”. Excuse me…. I have to go beat the boys. They are fighting over one of MY Christmas presents and driving Sally crazy. Aren’t families wonderful!!! We love you all and can’t wait to report from Sydney, Australia. Good Day Mate.

1 comment:

  1. jimmy-
    we love reading your blog...unbeliveable adventures!
    love from c-ville-
