Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bula Bula!!

That’s hello in Fiji. After a long night of flying, we arrived Monday morning at 6 a.m. After crossing the International Date Line, we lost Sunday completely….still trying to figure that one out. We had a 3 hour wait for our transfer boat to bring us to the island of Malolo Lai Lai, but once we laid eyes on the blue water, the long night’s travel was a distant memory. The Resort is called Musket Cove and is absolutely breathtaking. Because it is still the off season, we feel like we are the only guests here. The Fijian staff are so nice and on day two they seem to all know all of our names. I was lucky to hook up with Ben, an Aussie surfer, who was hoping to rent a boat to access the offshore reef breaks. We went out Tue. morning and caught Wilkes Pass at about head high and larger on sets. In the afternoon, we had a great snorkeling trip to a place called Black Rock. Very clear water – lots of fish, and a very close up with a sea snake and three white tip reef sharks (See Animal pictures). That night we bought BBQ packets and cooked out on the Reef Bar Island, great sunset and good conversation with some Yachties who travel the world looking for neat places to hang out. One couple had been here since August. The next several days were filled with snorkeling trips, surf excursions, beach/pool time and a boat trip to a local village to buy Fijan stuff – Charlie bought a warrior hatchet! On Thursday night we attended a local Pig on a Spit BBQ dinner complete with authentic Fijan dancers and Mat and I even danced with the “ladies”!! Five days flew by but we feel lucky to have had such a great time and even made some “Friends Along the Way” – Ben and Gally from Sydney who were very fun and have invited us to have a proper Aussie Barbie at their home and a game of cricket when we get to Sydney.

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