Friday, March 19, 2010

There is Nothing Like Family

To get to Barcelona would require twenty-six hours of travel and seven different trains, but it was so worth it. I booked an overnight train from Switzerland to Barcelona, but had to settle for a single four person cabin instead of 2 - two person cabins. Luckily, we had experienced tight family spaces before in the “Jerky Cabin” mobile home in New Zealand, but it didn’t compare to the “Cabon de Jercquie” we had to endure through France. As you can see in the pictures, it was extremely tight, but we made the best of it and managed to laugh a lot about this “less than stellar” accommodation. Sally kept telling the boys “It’s only one night in the entire trip.” We arrived in Barcelona the next morning and were met by David who took us back to his neighborhood where we would be staying. Blanca had given us a rental agency that manages apartments in their area, and we were able to book a nice apartment in the high rise across the street from theirs. When we went to check, they realized David and Blanca lived here and offered to upgrade us to an apartment in the building directly next to them, and it was the Penthouse!! I’m not just talking top floor of a sixteen story high rise. But the Penthouse unit which was two floors, 4 bedrooms and three baths.. It had sweeping views of the entire city of Barcelona and a two story glass façade over looking the Mediterranean. Hey Now!! Sally and I could only laugh as we walked through this gorgeous unit and realized the day before we had spent over twenty four hours in a space smaller then one of the bathrooms of this puppy. After unpacking and running around the place for awhile, we headed over to the Vedura’s for a family dinner.
This would be only the third time we have had the chance to spend time with family in the four months away and it meant a lot. Being on the road so long and in some many different places/countries makes you really appreciate a having a strong family. We haven’t seen David and his family for a few years, so all of the boys have changed a lot since the last meeting. Even though they really don’t remember each other, the boys took to each other immediately, and it was fun to watch them play and just be kids. Our boys have certainly had fun over the last four months, but it has been so busy with so many new places that they haven’t really had a chance to just play. Needless to say, they all got extremely wound up and played themselves to sleep.

The next day we spent exploring the old town of Barcelona and having a traditional Spanish family lunch with lasts for about two hours. It is one of those meals that you plan for and not eat too much for breakfast, so you make the most of the afternoon feast. David reserved us a table at a well known restaurant near the waterfront and helped us through the menu. The specialty of the house was a Paella or rice dish that is cooked in the ink of squid and mixed with other seafood. The rice is black and very salty but the dish is delicious. After lunch we strolled the streets, checking out the unique shops, local sights, and mandatory Gelato stops. Our plan was to go out for an adult dinner and let Mat oversee the “Rat Pack”, but just relaxing in their home with tapas, and reliving past family reunions was all we needed for a memorable night. The kids passed out together and we didn’t leave until after 2:00 AM. The next day Charlie went to a school function for Matei at a local farm, and Mat, Sally, and I just walked along the nice waterfront and had a leisurely lunch. We got back together with everyone that afternoon and then left for another overnight train to Paris. One more “Cabon de Jercquie” to endure before we reach the City of Lights.

We would really like to thank David, Blanca, David, and Matei for being such great hosts and sharing such a wonderful family time with us. We really enjoyed our time with you in Barcelona and hope to see you this summer in Va. Beach for the next Weatherford family reunion.

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