Monday, November 30, 2009

Going Back to Cali...

After a long travel day on Monday, we arrived in Pasadena, where we moved into my Aunt Annie’s apartment for a few nights. On Tuesday, we drove over to West Hollywood to visit cousin Jeff and his partner, Eric. Jeff’s parents Jack & Patty were there visiting them for Thanksgiving, so it was nice to see them as well. Jeff recently renovated my late Uncle Jim’s house and it was fabulous. After a fun lunch at Burger Bar on Melrose, we drove back to Pasadena.

On Wednesday, we went to Palm Springs with Janie, JB, Camille & Evelyn to stay with with John & Toni Fitts for Thanksgiving. They have a beautiful 1920’s Spanish Revival estate and were very welcoming to our family for the holiday. During the days there we explored the desert area around Palm Springs and took the tram up Mount San Jacinto. It is the largest cable car in the Western hemisphere and it rotates as you go up the mountain. You go from 2,000 feet to over 8,500 feet in elevation in ten minutes…quite a spectacular scene.

Thanksgiving was a fun gathering of family and a few friends. Everyone helped with the meal, and Jimmy got lucky and was seated next to Nancy, a friend of Toni’s,and a fellow Playboy Playmate from the early ‘70’s (See “Friends Along the Way” for a cheesy shot of Jimmy). Mat’s lucky day was Friday, when John allowed him to drive his new Bentley Coupe through their Palm Springs neighborhood. This car costs as much as most of our houses. Mat did a great job and Jimmy held his breath in the back seat hoping for no accidents.
We headed back to Pasadena on Saturday, Jimmy’s birthday, and Janie stoked us with a behind the scenes tour of Warner Bros. lot. After a fun afternoon, we headed to LAX, had some birthday martinis at a cheesy airport bar and boarded the jet for our overnight trip to Fiji.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

There's no place like Home!

It's the night before we leave, our bags are packed, and we have said all of our goodbyes. It has been a wild last few weeks. I realize that I am not only lucky because I can take this adventure, but mainly for the great family and friends that we have and will be coming back to. There is no better example of this then the Annual Boyz Thanksgiving Feast that Mat, Charlie, and I went to last night. This gathering of male friends has been happening every year for twenty seven years, not a bad tradition. Bill Parr's farm is the perfect venue and the Whitmore boys always have a special speech. Jack Jr. did it by memory this year, and it was one of the best.
Sally and I are so appreciative of all the encouragement that we have gotten from everyone and we look forward to sharing our trip with you. First stop, Los Angeles.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Countdown Has Begun!!

This is my first blog ever, so please bear with me.

After over a year of planning, our trip/adventure is about to begin. In 12 days, we begin a four month journey westward, never turning back ...only going towards the setting sun. So many feelings are competing for my time. There is obviously excitement and joy, but also a fair share of anxiety, nervousness, and a little fear of the unknown. This trip started in my mind as a young kid thinking how cool it would be to go around the world. Like a lot of childhood thoughts, you put them away, realizing that the real world has no time for them. Only as an adult, and especially as a father, did I realize that "life is what you make it". So here we go!

Sally and I appeciate all the support and inspiration people have given us as we have detailed our trip to them. For those that don't know the details, here they are.

Leave Va. Beach, Nov. 23rd for a five day stay in L.A. and Palm Springs for Thanksgiving to see Sally's cousin. Then five days on an outer island of Fiji (Melololailai) celebrating my 45th (damn I'm getting old!). Arrive in North Island of New Zealand on Dec. 5th and spend 3 1/2 weeks Campervanning both North and South Islands. So much to do and see in this country. We finish by renting a house in Queenstown for week of Christmas and Mat's 15th birthday. Fly to Sydney, Australia on Dec 28th and spend New Years Eve week in Sydney - look for us at the Harbor party - we'll be the Americans!!! Drive up the coast for two weeks stopping in several surf towns. Fly up to Hamilton Island for five days on the Great Barrier Reef.

On Jan. 20th, we fly to Capetown, South Africa. Stay a week there in a small beach town on the Cape of Good Hope. Spend two weeks driving up the "Garden Route" and then finish with a week in Jeffreys' Bay. My brother Chris meets us here and stays with us for the next three weeks. We fly to Johannesburg and have a four day Safari booked in Kruger National Park and then fly to Cairo for a five day guided tour of the City and desert. Spend last four days of February in Athens and then fly to Naples, Italy. From here we have a 3 1/2 week Eurail Pass and plan on stopping in Rome, Venice, Munich, Geneva, Barcelona, Paris, London, and finishing in Dublin, Ireland. We return home on March 23rd, 2010.

Yes, I know what you're thinking .. "Holy S***, that's alot of traveling." When I see it in print, it makes my palms sweat. But these are places that both Sally and I have been hoping to go to for quite some time, and we realized that if we didn't go now, we may lose the chance to do it as a family forever. I look forward to sharing our experiences with you and am eager for any stories you might have about these places. To comment to our Blog, just sign in and get a password; it's free. Or you can reach us direct at: or


P.S. Click on the tabs to the left to see some ongoing pics from the road. These first pictures are mainly from Costa Rica, because I had to start with something. You can also click on the picture for a bigger image.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Our final sunset of the trip. Over the Atlantic arriving in New York. Welcome Home.

Dublin, Ireland. The early stomping grounds of U2.

Sally enjoying the sunset and some wine with her favorite"Frenchman".

The end to another great day. The view from our Penthouse in Barcelona, Spain.

The view looking down the valley in Garmisch, Germany.

Sunset over the Amalfi Coast, Italy. Why yes, I will have another glass of wine!!

Sunset from our balcony in Giza overlooking the Great Pyramid and sunrise in the White Desert, Egypt with Charlie-eb!!

Sunrise over the plains, Kruger National Park, South Africa

Sunrise over Jeffreys Bay, South Africa

Sunrise over Vic Bay on the Garden Route, South Africa.

This is actually the sunrise at Boulders Beach, South Africa with one of my new friends.

View from Seal Rocks, NSW, Australia. Had a great dinner on the beach with a few waves.

Sunset from our deck in Queenstown, New Zealand. Happy Hour here starts way before sunset. This picture wasn't taken unil 10:15 PM! Gotta love being at 45 degrees South in December.

Piha Beach, North Island of New Zealand. This was the view from the Piha Surf Rescue Club overlooking the Tasman Sea. Black sand beach, cold beers, great wine, and a cool local vibe.

South Pacific Splendor. The end of a great day is rewarded with a great view. This was our view from the beach in front of our Villa and the Musket Cove Restaurant. Bula Bula!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Travel Friends

Taking a required Gelato break in Barcelona, Spain

Having a laugh with my new buddy, Matei. It has been a while since I could carry someone on my shoulders.

Walking the "mean" streets of Pompeii, where at any moment hot gases and volcanic ash can seal you in place.

I had the pleasure of drinking from this fountain on The Amalfi Coast twenty years ago with my good friend Bobby Parker. The Old Girl is still here, and it is nice to pass on the tradition to my sons. It looks like age has taken a toll on her though and she had to get some work done on her "faucets", probably from so many boneheads groping on her!!

Sometimes there are no words to best describe a picture of a "new Friend", just a facial expression!!

The Safari Crew with our German frineds, our guide Sue and our cook Karen. Great times with great people.

Charlie making friends at Boulders Beach, South Africa.

Hanging out with Brother Paul and "7" at the Rasta Community, Knysna, South Africa.

The Jackass Penguins of Boulders Beach, South Africa.

Enjoying an "Aussie Barbie" with Ben and Galli in Sydney.

On top of Queenstown Hill, in front of "Basket of Dreams". The great thing about hiking alone is that it gives you the opportunity to reflect and be thankful for who you are, what you have, and who is important in your life. Thank you for all of your support, and I love you, Mom & Dad!

In the Old Days, Charlie might have been an appetizer for these nice natives!!

One of the world's oldest trees, Tane Muhuta "Lord of the Forest". Over 2000 years old. Located in the Waipoua National Forest of North Island of New Zealand. It is back left of our Campervan picture.

Two new friends from Australia- Ben and Gally. We hope to meet up with them when we get to Sydney near New Years. Yes, I am wearing a skirt, but its very manly and quite breezy!!

Jimmy and his new two best Playmate friends at Thanksgiving - Toni & Nancy... Yeah baby!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ride, Sally Ride!

The people might have been told to "eat cake", but I preferred the wine.

The best way to enjoy a "Cabon de Jerquie" is with a local Chianti. Bon Jour!!

The ride to Garmisch, Germany from Innsbruck, Austria. Kinda looked like the "Polar Express".

We not only got to ride the "train of the Desert" while in Egypt, but also a vintage Toyota Landcruiser with a guy packing a sweet machine gun. Nobody messed with this camping trip!!

Swingin' Sally showing good form at the Tsitskikama Falls Zipline Tour, South Africa.

This is "true" 4WD, African style.

FantaSea's floating island on the Great Barrier Reef. A little more fancy then my Back Bay Eco Island!!

Shooting the rapids on Shotover Jet Boats, Queenstown, New Zealand. These guys know how to make you sweat and laugh, all at the same time.

Cruising on the Milford Sound on the Milford Mariner, and the Sterling Falls. If you click on this picture and zoom in, you can see a rather large boat to the right of the falls. This gives a good persepctive of how big everything is.

On the road to Milford Sound, South Island. Even the Campervan seems small compared to this incredible landscape.

On top of the Franz Josef Glacier. A true "winter wonderland", even in summer.

The Interislander Ferry between the North and South Islands. The boys got to watch New Zealand Rugby games the whole time, and the views wern't bad either.

The biggest rotating Tram in the Western Hemisphere - Palm Springs, CA. Capacity 80 people, vertical climb 6,000 ft in 10 minutes and 5 climate zones!!